Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Award Winning Author and Criminologist Jennifer Chase - Author Appearance & Book Signing

I'm going to be signing books at Borders Books in Sand City (Monterey area), CA on Saturday, January 15th, 2011. Stop by and say hello if you can. I will be heading out for an early dinner in Monterey afterwards. Join me!

Looking forward to meeting you all,


Where: Borders Books
When: Saturday, January 15th 2011
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Borders Books
2080 California Avenue
Sand City, CA 93955
(831) 899-6643

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Emily’s Crime Watch – Tip #25 (Home Safety)

The one place that everyone should feel safe is at home.

Sometimes, we forget that when we’re in the safety of our home to keep vigilant and alert, especially when we are coming or going. This festive time of year with the holidays, everyone should be even more aware of what’s going on around them.

Ladies, here are some important safety precautions to remember at home. However, everyone should be aware of these tips too.

1. Always have your key ready before you get to your front door and pay attention to what’s around you.

2. Keep ALL windows and doors locked at all times when you’re away from your residence no matter what the temperature is outside.

3. Keep your front entrance area well lit, replace light bulbs regularly, and make sure that fixtures are in good working order. If possible, have motion lights installed in addition to the regular outside lights.

4. If you arrive home and find your front door open: DO NOT GO INSIDE, call the police immediately from your cell phone, neighbor’s house, or pay phone.

5. If you live in an apartment, list only your last name and first initial on your mailbox.

6. Don’t buzz someone in to your building or apartment complex unless you know them.

7. The same goes for holding the door open for someone that you don’t know that has been waiting. Don’t let anyone into your building or apartment complex that you don’t know.

8. If a stranger needs to use your phone in an emergency, keep them out, and offer to make the call for them.

9. If you ever have ANY doubt or feel threatened in any way, call the police. Report anything that seems suspicious to the police immediately.

These are just a few important safety precautions to remember when you’re at home, especially when you’re alone. Everyone should always feel safe and secure inside their own home.

Have a wonderful, joyous, and safe holiday season!

Jennifer Chase
Award Winning Author & Criminologist
Crime Watch:
Book & Crime Talk:

Novels By Author Jennifer Chase:

"Compulsion" - Part of the Emily Stone Series (Thriller)
"Award Winning Dead Game" -Part of the Emily Stone Series (Thriller)

Newly released "Silent Partner" (Cop Thriller)

All books are available both in paperback and kindle format!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Emily Stone's crime Watch Tip #24 - Holiday Safety

It’s the holiday time again!

This is the time where many of us are busy, with not only everyday things, but with shopping, holiday decorating, parties, and much more. This is also the time where we need to be careful in protecting our families and homes from burglaries, identity theft, and assault.

The holidays are a time where potential criminals use it to their advantage because often times we are distracted and not staying vigilant.

Here are a few simple reminders for home and shopping safety during the holiday season.

Home safety:

1. Be extra cautious about locking ALL windows and doors when you leave the house, even if you’re gone for only a few minutes. Also, make sure that your windows and doors are properly bolted (updated) for added security.

2. Be careful of large displays of holiday gifts visible through windows and doors of your home. This can be too tempting for “would be” burglars.

3. If you’re leaving your home for any extended length of time, have a neighbor, friend, or family member keep an eye on your home and pick up newspapers and mail.

4. Have indoor and outdoor lights on an automatic timer.

5. If possible, leave a radio or television on to give the appearance of an occupied home.

Shopping Safety:

1. Try to do your holiday shopping during daylight hours, if possible. If you have to shop at night, go with a friend or family member.

2. Dress comfortably and casually, and avoid wearing expensive jewelry.

3. Try NOT to carry a purse or wallet, if possible. Always carry your driver’s license or ID card, checks or credit cards that you plan on using for your shopping excursion. Try to keep these items in a front pocket.

4. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Try to pay for purchases with a check or credit card whenever possible.

5. If your credit card(s) are lost or stolen, notify the credit card issuer immediately. Also, if it has been stolen, notify the police and file a report. Make sure to keep a record of ALL your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.

6. ALWAYS stay alert to your surroundings day or night.

7. Avoid overloading yourself with packages. Make sure that you have a clear visibility and are able to move around freely.

8. Keep packages out of plain view in your car. Try to put them in the trunk or out of plain sight.

9. Beware of strangers approaching you for ANY reason. This time of year where there are many “con artists” that will try to distract your attention to take your belongings or money.

Most of all, have a wonderful holiday season with family and friends.

Check out ALL of Emily’s Crime Watch Tips:

Jennifer Chase
Award Winning Author & Criminologist

Crime Watch:
Book & Crime Talk: