Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Emily’s Crime Watch – Tip #12

Citizens Unite!
If you are a victim of ANY crime – Report It!
If you’re robbed on the street, someone breaks into your house, or you’ve been swindled – Report It!
It has been reported from law enforcement agencies that one out of every two crimes goes unreported. It’s either because victims don’t think that the police can do anything about it or they just don’t want to get involved.

It can’t be stressed enough that if crimes go unreported then the criminals are going to continue to operate without any interference. Reporting ALL crimes will help law enforcement to assign the appropriate number of officers to troubled locations, and information provided by victims and witnesses can lead to the arrest and prosecution of a criminal.

Your local law enforcement agency needs your help to fight crime.

1. Report ALL crimes to your local police department.

2. No fact is too trivial.

3. Report ANY and ALL suspicious activities in your neighborhood.

4. Get help immediately or call 9-1-1.

5. If the crime just occurred or is in progress, call 9-1-1.

6. Call a doctor, if necessary.

7. Call a friend or family member.

8. Try to remember ALL details, such as clothing, hair color, vehicle descriptions, identifiable marks or features, etc.

9. Try not to destroy any possible evidence.

10. Keep important emergency and non-emergency numbers available, such as victim’s services, crime stoppers, police department, vehicle abatement, animal control, etc.

For more information about crime and emergencies, please don’t hesitate to contact your local police department or community service officer.

Jennifer Chase
Author & Criminologist