Saturday, June 5, 2010

Emily’s Crime Watch – Tip #4

There are both positive and negative benefits for children using the Internet. The online world can offer children an experience that is both educational and rewarding, which can lead to a higher school performance and increase future job potential. Unfortunately, there is pornography and child predators lurking out there in the online world too.

Parents and guardians need to be vigilant about keeping children safe when they are using the Internet for browsing the Web, sending and receiving email, and using chat rooms.

Emily suggests a few things that parents and guardians can do to help ensure child safety on the Internet.

1.Become an Advocate:

Contact your local Internet Service Provider if you see any material (visual or written) or other practices that you don’t like that is made available to children on the Internet. Be proactive in what children are viewing and don’t be afraid to voice your concerns and opinions.

2.Stay Informed:

Keep yourself informed about parental control tools that can help to keep your child safe on the Internet. Be sure to know what the parental tools can and can’t do. Find out what children are learning and viewing through community and school Web sites.

3.Get Involved:

Spend time with your children when they are on the computer, whether it’s at home, the library, or any other computer center in your community. Take the time to play fun and educational games with your children. It’s important to be involved in your child’s online life and include them in your own online practices. This will be the best insurance for your child’s safety.

4.Learn about the Internet:

Learn everything you can about the Internet. If you’re a novice or a more skilled computer user, take advantage of learning more about the Internet at your local library, community center, or local training classes.

The bottom line is that the Internet has many positive aspects in learning, job training, and social networking. There are just a few things to be aware of so that your children can be safe and enjoy the online experience.

Emily wants all children to be safe and enjoy everything that the Internet has to offer.